Today I received an adorable photo of a fellow Super Tubie whose family just opened their new book and cape from the mail. The message said "Our Super Tubie received his book and cape today! We love it!" These were such simple words that meant so much to me. From the very beginning, my mission in writing this book was to be able to connect with other Tubies and help empower kids to realize the superheroes that they all are. There were many moments along the path of creating this book when I questioned whether to continue. Insecurities about time, money, and my competence to publish a children's book would grab ahold of me. Every time, however, when I almost gave up, it was the thought of reaching another family with a child like my Camden, that gave me the courage to continue. Seeing the photo and message today, along with all the other amazing messages I have received from families has been so heart-warming and encouraging!
A fellow Super Tubie moments after he received his new book and Super Tubie cape! Go Tubie Power!